Saturday, December 14, 2013


Today, this beautiful young girl celebrates her 12th birthday. 
This is the third birthday since she was taken from her family. 
Take a minute and wish her happy birthday in a comment. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013


The story began on June 16, 2011 when Ayn van Dyk was 11 years old. Since then thousands around the world have waited with hope and prayers that we would hear the happy ending we long for her family to enjoy!

For anyone unfamiliar with this story I would suggest you read Ayn's dad, Derek Hoare's account from the beginning until Jan 23, 2012

We have heard little from Derek since then as he struggles to deal with grief of this great loss for his family while caring for his two sons.

Twelve months later on Dec 4, 2012 just prior to long awaited court dates the Ministry of Child and Family Development, British Columbia, Canada along with Ayn's parents Amie van Dyk and Derek Hoare announced that Ayn would be going home to be with her family after she had been held unjustly in captivity for 536 days. There had never been any grounds to question their parenting skills, Ayn never needed their protection.

On Dec 7, 2012 Derek announced that an agreement was signed with MCFD on Dec 4 - Ayn would be coming home! 

We rejoiced and we waited.............................

On July 5, 2013 Amie van Dyk told us, "Today the Ministry presented another gradual return plan. This one is 13 weeks in length."  So by the end of September, 2013 this family would finally be reunited. Since the waiting had already been 107 weeks, 13 more could be tolerated, knowing Ayn would be spending time with both her parents to prepare for her move home. Strange that she needed no preparation when she was taken on June 16, 2011 but now there would be a 13 week transition. BUT she was coming home.......................

As I write today, Oct 31, 2013, Halloween ~ a day for all things scary, I pondered the thought that this story is the scariest! We have now been watching this family live the terror for 867 days worried about the safety and well being of their daughter. We are now 5 weeks beyond the 13 week plan for transition.

This morning Amie, Ayn's mom, tells us she continues to see Ayn and that they will be in court on Nov 5, 2013. I so admire her strength and her willingness through such difficulty to keep the world informed as we continue to wait with hope, praying for that happy ending.

I will be back soon with the happy ending................. Jean Nicol

Monday, July 1, 2013


Today is the third Canada that Ayn van Dyk has not be able to celebrate with her family.

I AM CANADIAN and should be celebrating our 146th birthday but not. Today I reflect on how our Governments across this great land (Federal, Provincial, Municipal) KNOWINGLY allow so many children's lives to be destroyed by the criminal actions of those they pay and empower to protect our children. 

When we seek to find justice we find another corrupt system that condones the actions of these criminals. Are there no Canadians with conscience within government who want to make this right? We are a country rich in resources and we should be caring for our greatest resource - our children!

A little girl with autism was unjustly stolen from her family by Child Protective Services 745 days ago. Within days a hospital report stated no signs of abuse or neglect. After holding her in captivity for 536 days the court date was canceled as they announced on Dec 4, 2012 that she would be going home to her family who had been good, loving parents. Now 209 days later, when they have still not taken her home, we learn there is a plan to move her to another foster house. The cruelty and crime being perpetrated against this child and her family is __________! (I am a loss for words here ~ what words would you put in the blank)

Since the very early days in this story back in the summer of 2011 all levels of Government have been kept very aware of this crime that has yet to be dealt with justly in our courts. 

HOW CAN I CELEBRATE the greatness of this country? Ayn van Dyk, who should be living with her family in Abbotsford, BC is just one child of thousands in this country being treated unjustly.

Please help me to help Ayn. Share a link to this story wherever you can, perhaps a viral message will shame our governments today and bring them to do whatever they can to right this wrong!

Friday, June 28, 2013


On Dec 4, 2012 The Ministry of Child and Family Development, British Columbia, Canada along with Ayn's parents Amie van Dyk and Derek Hoare announced that Ayn would be going home to be with her family after she had been held unjustly in captivity for 536 days. There had never been any grounds to question their parenting skills, Ayn never needed their protection.

It is now June 28, 2013 and 206 days later. We wait with Ayn and her family for this reunion to take place. How do we begin to understand how and why this can happen in the great country of Canada?

Monday, June 17, 2013


Two years ago, this beautiful 9 year old child with autism was stolen from her family by Child Protective Services in Abbottsford, BC, Canada. In Dec 2012, after 536 days of Ayn being held in captivity, the BC Ministry of Child and Family Development stated that Ayn was never in need of their protection, dad's parenting skills were never in question and she would be soon going home to her family.

This was a picture taken of Ayn not long after she was abducted.

It has now been 731 days since Ayn was abducted from school. She has missed many happy days where she thrived with her family including 2 birthdays, 2 Christmas celebrations, 8 birthday celebrations for her parents and 2 brothers at home while she was living alone in a basement suite of a foster house with paid staff to watch her while the foster parents (very well compensated financially) worked and went about their daily lives.

With constant crying for Daddy, Ayn was given a picture of Daddy, Derek Hoare.

The BC Government is ultimately responsible for this travesty (and many others like it) ~ they are all very aware of and ignoring Ayn's story while collecting thousands of dollars of federal funds monthly to pay for depriving her of the happy family life she has a right to enjoy. Oh, and our Federal Government, including Mr. Harper the Prime Minister of Canada, are very aware of the many children in similar situations being denied their basic human rights with no consideration of justice.
It has now been 195 days since thousands of supporters celebrated the announcement that Ayn was coming home................ she is still waiting for this joyous occasion!
A recent picture we have of Ayn on a visit with her mom, Amie van Dyk.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It has been a very hectic month. I started a new job with irregular hours and moved to a new apartment. Moving was a process. Finding a place that was suitable for my children that was willing to accept dogs was a challenge. I find this new job leaves me physically exhausted with very little free time. 

Seeing Ayn has become much more difficult. Ayn is in school Monday-Friday and needs to get to bed at a reasonable time for school in the morning and the majority of my shifts are completed in the evening. The foster home also needs to be able to arrange transportation for Ayn to visit and that requires juggling. I've done my best to see Ayn as much as possible, though it has usually been limited to once or twice a week. I'm hoping when school is out for the summer this will pick up a bit. 

Ayn was over yesterday and we had a great time. I was wondering how she would react to her new surroundings here. Ayn had previously expressed that she did not want to go to the new house. I attribute that to her fear of the unknown. Ayn becomes very set in her ways and desires consistency in most aspects of her life.

As it turns out, once she was here, she thankfully was very accepting and happy to be here. Again I hear that she doesn't want to leave when the visit draws to a close. I have a hard time with that myself. I do my best to validate her feelings and let her know I miss her and she'll see me soon.

Derek has also moved. I am optimistic that things will be moving in the right direction for him and the boys. He has met with the new social worker. I have not yet had any contact with her but will try to reach her today to introduce myself and hopefully (somehow) arrange a time that we can meet.

As far as over nights go, the previous social worker left the decision in the hands of the new social worker. As far as Ayn being returned to her parents... Now that Derek has completed his move, he is in the process of setting up an intervention program for our son. He has hired a BI that seems to be an excellent fit for our family.

I'm still not sure what the Ministry believes I have done that indicates Ayn should not have been with myself or Derek all along. I have never been asked to do anything more than have social workers monitor my interactions with Ayn and investigate my home to ensure it is a safe environment for Ayn, provide criminal record checks, etc. I have also had contact a behavioral consultant because, guess what? Ayn has autism which isn't going away, and neither am I. If all else fails, we will have a second Case Conference on July 4th.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Ayn, thousands are hoping and praying 
that this happens very soon!

Sunday, March 31, 2013


It is May 2, 2013 and 685 days since Ayn was first taken from her family. In 2 days we will all have been waiting 5 months with hope and prayers to hear that Ayn is now home with her family. On Dec 7, 2012 Derek announced that an agreement was signed with MCFD on Dec 4 - Ayn would be coming home!

At that time Derek anticipated this would not be a speedy process and would perhaps take months. We have not heard from Derek since then. He has chosen to continue to plan for Ayn's return in private with his family. This writer has great respect for the decisions he has made. As Ayn's dad, he knows what is best for his family. When the time is right I hope we will hear that Ayn has been home for some time and all is well!

There has been some progress made with Amie, Ayn's mom who for most of the past 21 months had sporadic, supervised visits with Ayn, never in her home. The good news is that Ayn is now having unsupervised visits at mom's place twice a week and if not already, soon to have overnight stays! The visits are going well, Ayn and mom finally spending time doing things they enjoy doing together.

You can read some of Amie's writings about their visits in Ron Unruh's Blog

Ron Unruh also wrote this beautiful poem as he thinks about what Ayn is doing and feeling during this transition period to reunion with her family. His heartfelt words will not leave many dry eyes. Perhaps one day soon Ron will write another poem about Ayn's retrun to dad and her brothers.


From the moment she wakes, 
she’s preoccupied. Eagerly, 
she readies herself to go.
Today is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Pajamas, tooth brush, a child’s cosmetics,
fresh undies and a change of clothes,
She remembers well and she packs her own bag.
Today is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

She cannot contain her excitement.
Her eyes wide, bright, and her breakfast down,
She waits, bag beside her, then her ride arrives
because this is the day and tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Captive princess, she’s chauffeured,
Arriving to be encircled in a mother’s love.
Quickly into her pajamas she changes,
Her own insurance that tonight is the night,
she’ll be sleeping at Mommy’s house.

A day filled with activities,
Fun things for a girl and her mom,
Baking cookies, watching videos, reading a story,
Normal things in an abnormal time,
And tonight she’s sleeping at Mommy’s house.

Written by Ron Unruh, March 2013